In 2019, an analysis and surveys were carried out of 84 graduates who benefited from the Integration Scholarships program of the French Bank and Vicente Lucci Foundation from 2011 to 2018 inclusive. In a diagnosis carried out together with the authorities and neighbors of the Escuela del Barrio Aeropuerto, where the Program was installed 8 years ago, we observed that the majority of the graduates graduated from the program, managed to reach a level of study in trades, as well as studies of Tertiary and university level or got a stable job.
The objective of this analysis is to know the future of our graduates to measure the parameters of the program and carry out improvement systems, getting to know the status of 70% of former scholars who are in a situation of improvement and growth both personal and work. Some graduates manage to pursue tertiary careers as teachers of physical education, language, biology and mathematics. Others studied initial and primary level teaching. There are also university experiences in the faculties of dentistry, fine arts, computer science, English and nursing.
As for work alternatives, they work in their trade: electrician, pastry, metallurgical in some companies in the area, as well as some who have already received work from their profession.
The results obtained reflect the integration and permanence in the educational system of young people from low-income families and, consequently, the decrease in school dropout, allowing the incorporation of values, behaviors and responsibilities that transcend the program, reflecting the professional projection of the scholars and a better job placement.
That is to say, that through management, the internalization of values and personal effort were achieved, leading to the development of the skills that allowed them to continue with their studies despite all the adversities and the reality in which these young people and their families live.